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real and intense practice...

“Real and intense practice can and must be done at any age. Otherwise, you accumulate destiny and become fixed in it. As the years pass, you become more and more rigidified in your social-personality pattern, which you have manufactured by repetitions for decades.

“Ecstasy, right practice, requires that you go beyond that. You cannot afford to let it rigidify. You cannot afford to allow patterns to become fixed. Real ego-transcending practice is an enlivening process. It is not dull or unintelligent. But you can stop doing real practice by becoming dull and unintelligent, by just persisting in the mummery of the pattern that you have established.

“That pattern is a persona, a character, a role. It is an individual in a mummery. To be that pattern is non-ecstasy. To go beyond it is ecstasy. And doing so is a moment to moment matter. Otherwise, the pattern of your own ‘self’-contraction simply tightens around you, and eventually turns the body into a corpse.

“Ecstasy, or letting go of your hold on life, is paradoxically the Way of life, the Source of life, an enlivening Source of life-practice. When you go beyond pattern and are simply open to Me, then I Infuse the total body-mind. This must become constant, and constantly ecstatic."

—Avatar Adi Da Samraj from “Beyond the Body-Mind Pattern of non-Ecstasy”, in Always Enact Fidelity To Me

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