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The imbalance of the feminine

There are so many global initiatives to raise women in society. Yet still the number of female leaders in large companies is few and far between.

More we see globally an imbalance still in pay, opportunity and at worst there is cruelty to women internationally. Not just through religious beliefs, but through the polarised play of male and female. For example in the UK alone one women a week dies or nearly dies from domestic violence.

At this level it is a gender issue, but are we right to limit our philosophy to addressing inbalances of gender, or should we look more deeply to the root cause globally?

Feminine imbalance is not a gender issue, but a deeply spiritual one and it is this at the root cause which most are not seeing.

What plays out of our spiritual ecocide is the polarisation and gender imbalance. Yes we are correct to fight mass wrongs towards women, and re educate, but by taking a spiritual view of what has arisen is the only way that there can be radical change.

We have been in a patriachial society for over 1000 years. This is the masculine energy or masculine principle is how socieity has grown but it should be in balance with the feminine, otherwise where winning, conflict and competition are the result which is what we have.

The feminine brings the energy of kindness, of compassion of love expressed. It is relevant for both men and women, and thus I argue it is not a gender issue , but a deeply spiritual issue that we have to address.

The feminine principle is the feeling dimension of existence. The masculine principle has been lead by the mind, by science and this is the world most see, a world where something is not believeable unless it is "proven"

Within this unbalance spiritually all exoteric religions have also divorced from the esoteric part, forgetting that it is all part of the same thing, a continuum of consciousness. So we the esoteric element (or feminine) became an open secret , not able to be known or remembered by the exoteric.

We have to realise that when we deny the divine mystery of the feminine, we also deny something fundamental to life. We separate life from its sacred core, from the matrix that nourishes all creation.

We cut ourselves from the source that alone can heal, nourish, and transform.

The same sacred source that gave birth to each of us is needed to give meaning to our life, to nourish it with what is real and to reveal to us the mystery, the purpose of being alive.

Because humanity has a central function in the whole of creation, what we deny ourselves we deny to all of life. In denying the feminine her sacred power and purpose, we have impoverished life on personal and global levels in ways we do not understand…. Yes, we see now the outer effects on the earth the ecocide is physical , can be seen and witnessed with climate change, the extinction of speicies . The imbalance is obvious, but it is so much more difficult to recognise the inner effects, which have been devastating and hold consequences to the spiritual process and spiritualisation process of humanity.

Not all get to see the inner realms , the subtle fields where the devastation is intense with intense consequences being played out, such as even terrorism, fundamentalism.

The feminine holds the mystery of creation.

This simple and primordial truth is often overlooked, but at this time of global crisis, which also carries the seeds of a global transformation, we need to reawaken to the spiritual power and potential of the feminine.

Feminine qualities belong to both men and women, and it draws us into the depths within us, into the mysteries of the existence and being truly human, because we are in balance between the two energies..

Without the feminine nothing new can be born, nothing new can come into existence—we will remain caught in the materialistic images of life that are polluting our planet and desecrating our souls.

We need to return to the core of our being, to where the sacred comes into existence. And the mystical feminine holds the key to this work of redemption and transformation, innovation and radical change.

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