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Alaya's spiritual journey
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A spiritual journey

A spiritual journey

In the end we realise nothing has really happened we are waking up to what we already are, yet appear to have forgotten. Throughout her life Alaya has had mystical experiences and awakenings. She also has a realisation that this is not Real God, and we have to move beyond any fascination with experiences. She was ordained in 2012 as an Interfaith Minister and facilitates understanding across faiths.

Heart awakening.

Heart awakening.

Her "path" became one of heart awakening. Firstly through techniques, then through surrender.

When she was 17 she met a Lama whilst travelling and was drawn to Tibetan Buddhism and received many initiations and esoteric teachings of the space of phenomena, and philosophical systems and what was called the way of abiding. Within this framework Alaya located the void, the formless, from which she was taught radical healing can take form.

She also participated for many years with Psychology of Vision and trained in this healing model based on "A course in Miracles" She used this model to 'heal' herself and for clients. During the 15 years she participated she felt tangible Grace and had spontaneous visions. Her spiritual practice remained during this period Tibetan Buddhism.

There have been different spiritual Teachers which influenced her. Notable is Tich, in particularly his teachings on the Earth and ecology .

He has also been awarded noble peace prize, and introduced mindfulness to the West.

She felt a dawning knowing that there was a need for for a devotional practice as opposed to techniques of the mind. She felt she was 'using the mind to still the mind', with altered states of consciousness within the brain matter as opposed to whole bodily submission and devotion.



She felt a dawning knowing that there was a need for for a devotional practice as opposed to techniques of the mind. She felt she was 'using the mind to still the mind', with altered states of consciousness within the brain matter as opposed to whole bodily submission and devotion.

Sri Ramana Maharshi

Sri Ramana Maharshi

During a trip to India she was attracted to Ramana Maharshi and his teachings on 'I Am' and 'non duality'. This became her practice for many years. Many experience him as an avatar (one who decends down to teach or be a presence) , and a siddhi, in as much as there were reports of multiply appearances,

Arunachala Temple-

Arunachala Temple-

Alaya retreated and lived at Arunachala in the 80's. Prior to this she had become fascinated by visions and 'yogic events' which were really only necessary elements for her own reawakening. Core to his teachings were Bhagavan Ramana sought to free us from psychic as well as physical desires, and he therefore disapproved of all freakishness and eccentricity and of all interest in visions and desire for powers of any type. Bhagavan liked his devotees to behave in a normal and sane way.

Alaya retreated and lived at Arunachala in the 80's. Prior to this she had become fascinated by visions and 'yogic events' which were really only necessary elements for her own reawakening. Core to his teachings were Bhagavan Ramana sought to free us from psychic as well as physical desires, and he therefore disapproved of all freakishness and eccentricity and of all interest in visions and desire for powers of any type. Bhagavan liked his devotees to behave in a normal and sane way.

The Sage of Arunachala was liberal, tolerant, compassionate, and for him all faiths and religions had a place and were welcomed with an open heart. Sri Ramana lived as a recluse first but when a community formed around him, his life became public. He was in the spotlight 24 hours a day, seven days a week for over 50 years. During all this time, he lived as an ascetic and served all those who came to him answering questions. Those who have a relationship in this way feel a deep sense of peace.

Irina Tweedie

Irina Tweedie

She was also drawn to Irina Tweedie who lead the Sufi practice known as The Naqshbandi Path who believed in the oneness of all beings but also the necessity for heart conversion.This is still a way that Alaya recognises. She spoke of Adi Da Samraj as being the Greatest Spiritual Teacher of these times. Irina's book the Spiritual Baptism of Fire was a great comfort to Alaya as it reflected many experiences Alaya went through. Irina died in 1999.

In 1998 a friend introduced her to a healing modality called Alchymie. The teachings of this group were based on Adi Da's Teachings in "The Incarnation of Love" Alaya was graced with being in the company of the Alchymist Jessa O'My Heart and received several spiritual transmissions and spontaneous healings. He also communicated a different stance on the "crazy teaching years of Adi Da" Alaya brought Jessa Adi Da's book of the Boundless Self Confession

In the book The Boundless Self Confession Adi Da described how part of His function was to descend down (The true Avatar ) , and conjoined with human consciousness. Everyone was contemplated, he became it all and conjoined, Then unconjoined in 2000. The full Leela of this moment can be found on this link.

The book literally "blew" Alaya's mind. She suddenly understood the sacrifice, the role of The Avatar and why the history of the crazy teaching years happened.

He also fulfilled the traditional expectation of the West — that True Enlightenment or Realisation is an Incarnation, or an utterly human Embodiment of this pure state. He called it Prior Unity, and this is the gift he offers to everyone. The uniqueness is that the way of Adidam is both Transcendental and Spiritual.

Alaya at her Ordination

Alaya at her Ordination

In parallel in 2012 Alaya completed a seminary and was Ordained in Manhattan Cathedral in Interfaith Ministry. The study involved understanding all the main religions , and esoteric practices without trying to convince anyone of anything. This was a felt synthesis of all that had been prior for her. At the Ordination she felt the descending current of Adi Da right through her frontal line and upwards. Those there witnessed that something miraculous had happened.

"Avatar" (from Sanskrit "avatara") is a traditional Eastern term for Divine Incarnation. It literally means "One who is descended, or 'crossed down' (from, and as, the Divine)". Avatar Adi Da Samraj is also called the "Avataric Incarnation", or the Divinely Descended Embodiment, of the Divine Person. The reference "Avataric Incarnation" indicates that Avatar Adi Da Samraj fulfils both traditional expectation of the East...

In the end Recognition of who and what Adi Da Samraj Is cannot be argued or proven. Recognition requires a Revelation, and the feeling dimension of existence to be lived and felt. The cerebral mind and our scientific model of the world requires proof and evidence to make something believable. Yet ultimately all Truth lies in the heart. Adi Da Samraj is a world friend, and unique spiritual teacher. Yet He is much more than this and has been recognised by many philosophers and theologians.

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