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There is only a unity, one movement.
Click on each picture to expand commentary on vibrational sacred energy.>

On the most basic level, the equation says that energy and mass (matter) are interchangeable; they are different forms of the same thing. One sole pure science: Numbers. E=Mc2 should be Consciousness =E=Mc2 (Formula with Consciousness from Adi Da Samraj)

One sole expression: the Symbol.

One sole Consciousness: Genesis.

One sole means: Harmony, which has its source in disorder .

Where the sundered parts rediscover one another, naturally and of themselves, through infinity. Spirit is at the beginning and the end of all form. Form is the symbol of a function. Wisdom is the perfect harmony of all the functions.

One sole Truth: Indivisible Unity.

One sole universal morality: through Cosmic Man each is bound to all, each is responsible for, or benefits from, the good and evil deeds of all humanity is a whole. No difference.

Vibrational energy is not able to be bound or fixed to one point through language. They have been combined in a particular formation (based on sacred geometry) - yet esoterically there is no structure. They make actual a felt volumetric current which is alive, a benign blessing which is undeniable as it can be felt and witnessed to be the catalyst for positive shifts.

Alaya has hundreds of sacred energies and has been a practitioner for 18 years. These energies have an intelligence which can be directed to anything. Here we are dealing with cosmic life force, conditionality. In reality nothing is happening!

A portal is offered to transcend karmic binding, literal and unknowable. DNA and cellular structures hold memory. Because we are high % water, the energies can be esoterically imbued into water and directed to address anything.

Our inner world reflects the outer world. At the moment we see in the outer world ecocide , caused by man's greed and materialism, at the expense of the earth. In the inner realms there is only the Angelic realms which are pure light. Through an alchymie process the realms are now here in alchymeic healing form. Understanding this requires not the cerebral mind, but the feeling dimension. That they are here feels a possibility to righten the imbalance currently in both in the inner and outer

This is how things are created, and made manifest and birthed from the void to the material. Made manifest in the cosmic realms. Yet paradoxically we are not the doer, it is a literal conductivity of energy directed, but the energy is not us, we are of the whole.

In spirituality the transcendent view only historically focused on ascension now or later, which male and female alike participated in. This point of view can be viewed as masculine in concept

the inclusion of the feminine principle includes the body and earth. Known as the spiritualisation. Real God is both Transcendental and Spiritual. Real change and healing occurs through the feminine or feeling dimension. Hence en-lightenment is a yogic awakening and death of ego. A whole bodily transfiguration to Truth.

We are a high % of water. The energies in sessions are imbued in water remotely and three sips taken. Sessions happen over zoom. If you are interested for a session contact here

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