19 devastation
There is one sole pure science
that is Numbers
19 = Surrender
Radical change out of our control
with a suddenness, swiftness
that can break us
From all chaos comes harmony
For all harmony has its source in disorder .
a necessity to be seen
in this place of duality
there is no life without death
there can be no new beginning
without first facing endings
there can be no learning
without this suddenness
this is the place of goodbyes
of letting go
of absolutely everything
everything to ash
Through shock and grief we turn
to our true spiritual character
beyond all the this and that
that we call living
all is interconnected all interrelated
Another day that no dance or music can help me
just feel the devastation of the heart
as Winston swept through
regardless of innocent people
regardless that Naituba is
the other world
still few can feel this
maybe this small poem will touch
a heart or two...