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Science needs an understanding of spiritual nature to sustain us.

We need to reclaim our ancient role as guardians of the Earth and consciously participate in the transformation of the Earth. But in order to do this work we need to leave behind many of our patterns that focus solely on our material well-being.

We are present at a time of transition when one era is dying and another is being born. At this moment we have a choice: we can stay with the images of the past—the ghosts of materialism that have polluted and desecrated our planet— or we can move into a future that is not yet defined, that is full of possibilities.

Science still does not have a deep awareness that we are all one people who are a part of a living, interrelated ecosystem.Science currently is limited to the physical, it has divorced matter from spirit.

Take for example the internet a form of global communication, we have been given some of the tools of this future, forms of interconnectivity that can take us beyond the hierarchical models of the past, into an organic and holistic way of living.

These are the signs of a future that could be born that can free us from the paradigm of duality and separation, which has caused so much conflict and division, the conflicts of masculine and feminine (not specifically gender, this concerns the energy of masculine and feminine) which is the split between matter and spirit.

The split between matter and spirit emphasises the spiritual poverty in the physical world- the ecocide and lack of consciousness that the earth has a heartbeat, the earth is alive . All is God. (we have the transcendental focus through patriachaial society of a 1000 years which is masculine. The spiritual process or creation or womb is the feminine.) The feminine is collaberation, non hierachial, creative, holistic.

Look at business and politics alone if you remained unconvinced that there is little feminine energy in our approach . We no longer need to live in a world of separation which has divorced matter and our physical selves from its spiritual nature. In fact we cannot afford to.

But to include both would mean a radical education, re learning and shift.

Part of this work is simply to be awake, alert to the images emerging both inside us and in the world around us. Some have already appeared, but unless we recognise them for what they are and welcome them consciously into our world, they will not be able to achieve their full potential.

These emerging images are much more than pictures of our world to help us understand and navigate it. They come from the symbolic depths of life, and they carry life’s numinous and primal energy. They have the power to create forms and shape events and to reconfigure our collective conscious- ness. They act as intermediaries between the visible, physical world and the inner realm of light, and when we recognize them as such, they align our consciousness with life’s inner unfolding and allow us to participate consciously in the changes taking place at the heart of life. When we bring the divine spark of our higher consciousness to these new images of life’s awakening, our spark speaks to the light at the core of creation and it helps the images come alive in this world with the full potential of life’s highest consciousness and purpose.

But we will have to be awake to the real nature of what is awakening in order to recognise them. The images of the coming era will reflect life’s oneness, its aliveness; they could emerge anywhere and will take unexpected forms.

The Internet is a striking example. The Internet is a powerful image of the changes happening at the core of creation, yet its deeper meaning and power have been veiled, partly by its very ubiquity.

Carrying the energy of life’s aliveness, it has quickly become so much a part of the fabric of our lives that we do not see its deeper symbolic dimension and the ways in which it is working to restructure our world.

The Internet is everywhere, and for many of us it has become an indispensable tool of our daily lives. Yet it is still waiting to be recognised as one of the archetypal images of our future—a dynamic image of life’s awakening to itself as a single living organism, rooted in the symbolic realm and carrying the real energy of life itself.

The Internet not only reflects but enacts life’s living oneness, its capacity to evolve and adapt, to quickly and continually reconfigure itself in an endlessly shifting web of connections.

But if it is to manifest its full potential, the deeper symbolic significance of the Internet needs to be recognised. It needs us to recognise its sacred dimension, its symbolic nature.

Without this recognition, its higher purpose will be dimmed by the shadows of the ego-centered interests and desires the Internet currently serves, and the energy will flow in at a lower level, serving life’s purpose less purely. The same holds true for all the emerging images of life. They need us to recognise their symbolic dimension.

Our recognition can help life to reconfigure into the patterns, the archetypes and their this-world images, that will allow life to flourish again as a conscious expression and revelation of the Divine and Its all-embracing oneness.

There are no books, no schools or traditions, that will tell us exactly how to do this work with life’s changing patterns.

Only in the meeting of our consciousness with the awakening consciousness within life—our own awakened consciousness as we bring it to life in each moment—will we find the information we need. For at its core life knows everything that it needs to sustain itself; it knows how to evolve and how to recreate itself anew, and because it is a continual response to the divine moment, it knows precisely what is needed in each moment.

It knows where our attention is needed, and how to direct it in the most beneficial way. It knows exactly what is required to bring our afflicted planet back into balance, to heal the Earth and the soul of humanity that has so painfully lost its way.

And as it reawakens, this information will once again become available to us. Life is ready to teach us. Through this inner dialogue the intelligence within life can directly communicate with our intelligence and it will show us what we need to know.

What life knows about itself reaches far beyond the limits of our current understanding and the scope of our present sciences.

When we bring our consciousness into dialogue with the world intelligence, we will open ourselves to new realms of knowledge and understanding, to a whole new science of life as yet undreamed of, to a whole new range of human possibilities. When we open ourselves fully to life as it really is, we will begin to experience again that life is alive, and that it can communicate with us directly and interact with us in many different dimensions—not just the physical dimension we now take to be the world, but also the symbolic realms, and the realm of pure consciousness and light, dimensions of awe that have not been manifest in our world for a long time.

When we once again allow life to express its profound intelligence, its playfulness and humor, its delight and its passion, we will find ourselves present in a world that is more dynamic and fluid and full of possibilities in each moment than we could ever believe possible within our current images of life.

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