The Fire will have its way
Last night I dreamt of a fire so Great
it ate everything in its way,
like a hungry ghost!
Has no one else noticed the cauldron
is tired of waiting for us to wake up?
The dream reflected the
heat of this moment
Flames of amazing Grace
take no account of who we think we are
Consuming it all like art alive as the living Divine
Unaware of what is coming
people carry on with their plays
standing in the theatre of distractions yet
this is a year of great change
enforced because we are still sleeping
despite hints from places Greater
I could write it down for you
to spread the word
but I know there are few ears to hear
let alone eyes to see
In my dream
Those close to me full of fear
fight off the flames
with useless barricades placed
But the flames leaped through them
beyond and within all
with a relentless intensity
that nothing can be left standing
They are running away
pleading with me to follow
But I stare mesmerised by the flames
like the swirling of the dervishes
everything surrendered in its path
‘What does it matter? I say
‘the fire will have its way, everything has to go,
everything must be consumed. Everything will be consumed. All gone .
If not now ,then later.
So why wait ?”
I laughed. They stared at me as if I were the one insane.
Calmly I sat down, a few inches away, feeling the heat I chanted
“ Om sri Parama Sapta Na Adi Da Love Ananda Hridayam”
The flames dancing towards me
I noticed one had remained
sitting next to me
Sharon the fertile plain?
or is she the flowering shrub
coming into her name?
close enough to start a dance within the cauldron.