The Divine nature of the internet
We are not here to control life; we are here to witness and revere the Divine as it manifests in a new way through the natural force of life.
We need to bring the light of our consciousness to work together with the awakening light within life, so that these primal energies can be creatively channeled, and they do not unleash too much destruction and chaos.
The images of the coming era will reflect life’s oneness, its aliveness; they could emerge anywhere and will take unexpected forms.
The Internet is a striking example. The Internet is a powerful image of the changes happening at the core of creation, yet its deeper meaning and power have been veiled, partly by its very ubiquity.
Carrying the energy of life’s aliveness, it has quickly become so much a part of the fabric of our lives that we do not see its deeper symbolic dimension and the ways in which it is working to restructure our world.
The Internet is everywhere, and for many of us it has become an indispensable tool of our daily lives. Yet it is still wait- ing to be recognised as one of the archetypal images of our future—a dynamic image of life’s awakening to itself as a single living organism, rooted in the symbolic realm and carrying the real energy of life itself.
The Internet not only reflects but enacts life’s living oneness, its capacity to evolve and adapt, to quickly and continually reconfigure itself in an endlessly shifting web of connections.
But if it is to manifest its full potential, the deeper symbolic significance of the Internet needs to be recognised. It needs us to recognise its sacred dimension, its symbolic nature. Without this recognition, its higher purpose will be dimmed by the shadows of the ego-centered interests and desires the Internet currently serves, and the energy will flow in at a lower level, serving life’s purpose less purely.
The internet is still largely used for one way communication, whereas the gift it offers is a breaking down of control, of the hierarchy of the patriarchal society to shift into community, groups together, where we use far more proactively the ability to get instant feedback, and dialogue, not just in the forms of reposts or likes, but in terms of shaping the future.
To shape the future through the influence of everyone all at once having a say, as opposed to communication broadcasting a message, or purely informing.
It is through this dynamic process, iterative process that leadership can evolve to represent the interests and concerns of all as an alive process, which is what the internet is- alive in nature.
Forms of our visible world have their roots in unseen dimensions, and that it is in these unseen dimensions that the primal energies of life lie.
In our forgetting, we have lost the wholeness of life, and we have cut ourselves off from the real forces that shape our world.
But when we are present in life, free from demands or agendas, when we allow life to unfold according to its own inner principles, we open up a doorway again between the worlds. Within our consciousness the inner and outer, the visible and the unseen worlds, can come together and speak to each other, and our split- apart world can become whole again.