Co-operation+Tolerance =Peace
Am I the only one who feels this abyss of sorrow today?
This utter desecration of the soul?
that makes taking any human life a justified move?
In wars there are no winners
We know this
For all of time
Is our consciousness fixed on forgetting?
Everyone shouting their points of view
supporters of a point of view
banging loudly with the same tribal drum
only able to hear their mantra
therefore believing their only shared voice
We are all seeing difference everywhere
To know peace, do we need to know conflict?
For all harmony has its source as chaos
this remains my only hope, for without this
possibility ,I stuggle to understand the world
Religious points of view
could make murderers of us all
Muslim killing Muslim
Because of points of view
Happy New Year
Love Saudi Arabia
And such a line would be seen to support Iran
Do not misunderstand me
the desolation of the soul
which enacts murder
is a shared energy
of fear and the deepest wounds
of separation
all mystics know this
There is a spiral of hatred
of seperateness so deep
in our shared heart
which has nothing to do with God
Hidden plays of power, competition
in the guise of religious righteousness
All this separation we all play out,
every little bit of it is ego
and it is ego which is spinning
nations of supporters
Listen can you hear me?
some of us are weeping from afar
Not just mothers who have lost a child
but those who know
there is Only One.
And we shout hate
when we kill eachother
know that it hurts my heart
I weep not for myself
but for all of humankind
for you and I are the same
and all the time the world sleeps on
Today I cannot dance my tears away
Today I sit as the witness to all this madness
and ask for Grace to pour into these realms
that we may all remember love
That more may understand and remember that the inner worlds
reflect the outer worlds.
Love has no boundaries, no colour, no race, no religion, no gender
Love Is
Say and be the words of love instead of chanting words of difference
By being this we will purify ourselves
of all this felt separation enacted
Put down the flags
And sit around a table
talk through your differences
like a parent would make two children squabbling
For don't you know
Co-operation +Tolerance =Peace