Heart awakening ...
The Spiritual Heart is an Open Book and contains our true nature
The central teaching of Sufism is that each being has within itself all knowledge of its being within the inner chambers of the Spiritual heart.
Westerners – always eager to synthesise themselves – may embrace Sufism as a teaching designed to unite all religions and creeds. This, misrepresents its focus.
Certainly the development of human beings’ spiritual potential can diminish intolerance, fanaticism, prejudice, and conflict.
But these are the secondary results of the Sufi path, not the goals.
Sufism educates the heart. By developing the heart’s infinite capacity to plumb the universe of consciousness, aspirants gain insights that guide their lives and serve as vehicles for understanding self and God.
Only the awakened heart can attain God-consciousness; the mind cannot.
Those who pursue the Sufi path discover the secrets of awakening the heart. They realize and live the knowledge revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by who said, “The vessels of your Lord are the hearts of His righteous slaves, and the most beloved to Him are the softest and most tender ones.” (al-Tabarani)