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Reclaiming the feminine

Leadership worldwide is patriachial. This has resulted in an imbalance of feminine. This is not a gender specific statement, more it is about the balance of masculine and feminine energy within.

This imbalance has lead to a pursuit of personal power, greed, material attainment as representing success.

We rarely value the feminine attributes of compassion, co-operation, receptivity as much as money, success and competition which are masculine qualities and because of this imbalance we see also the ecocide and lack of consciousness of the earth being living.

Spiritually the patriachial society has brought the understanding of the transcendent nature of God, but it needs to be balanced now with the feminine energy, whether male or female. As stated earlier this is not a gender issue but a balance issue.

Receptivity is a key quality of feminine energy. When we think of receptivity, it seems to imply that we are receiving something from outside of us.

However, the feminine quality of receptivity is actually about deeply receiving our Self.

The Divine Feminine energy is also about inner flow and allowance, trust and intuition. These qualities are feminine in nature.

This does not mean in business we should balance the books with female gender representation, (although women do intuitively understand more the feminine)

Our physical body is earth and form. The emotional energy current running through the body is water. It is about believing in our inner worth as “BEingness,” and not basing it on the masculine equivalent of “doingness.”

It is about balancing stillness and action. It is joining in an authentic way with ourselves and others and becoming whole. And through our wholeness, meet our counterpart that is you fully reflected as your other.

The Divine Feminine energy brings about a new honoring of the female spirit. It is empowerment and reclaiming our divinity as women which is gender specific, and about balance in the male and business and society.

It gives back to men a balance. By opening their energy field, men through surrender and embodying the feminine principle of receptivity, begin to honor their feminine aspects more than ever before.

Men begin to observe the feminine aspect with greater awareness and appreciation. Regardless of gender, a healing balance of peace, harmony and interconnectedness love for all, never experienced before on the planet, is beginning to occur.

We have forgotten this and the result is what we see in the world today, we forget that everything is alive, everything is sacred.

When we can deeply receive our self, we experience our own subtle energies flowing through our body. This deep receptive state requires surrender, trust and total self-acceptance. One key thing that makes the dance of union sacred is the love and acceptance of Self. We must have total acceptance of Self in order to surrender deeply and allow full freedom of expression to occur. Through loving and accepting our Self, we open the door to ecstatic experience of our Self. This means total acceptance of the body, emotions, every aspect of our-self, and beyond that—acceptance of our divinity.

Emotional Body

The emotional body needs to be fully embraced. The feminine energy brings mastery of our emotions—a receptivity that allows us to feel the subtleties of our creative power. The emotional body, which has been suppressed and belittled, is the very thing we need for full mastery as conscious creators.

We as men and women need to regain full connection with the emotional body and not see this as a gender issue. In so doing we experience the ecstatic bliss of sacred union to be fully experienced and expressed through the whole body.

By being so connected with our physical body and the tangible experience of it while simultaneously surrendering to the emotional body, we can allow the fluid

energy of our emotions to flow freely through us. Having unconditional acceptance of our emotions, allows emotions to flow into balance in the Higher Heart—where transformation occurs and we access our pure creative potential. Surrender & Presence

In order to experience a sacred unified field with a partner, one must first experience an inner alchemy, connecting with the internal qualities of feminine and masculine energy within one's self. Two important factors for bringing this experience into the body are Surrender and Presence—core energetics that must be experienced equally. Surrender being feminine energy and Presence being masculine energy, the equilibrium between them creates the place of pure potentiality—non-duality, void, a unified quantum field ~~~ Divine Sacred Marriage or Union within the self. The state of being truly present brings us into full sensory experience. Surrender prepares us to receive divine impulse.

When these essential elements of an ecstatic and powerful union are in balance, a portal opens and we can really feel our energy flowing. There is a lightness of being and we feel as if we are being held – like we are Receiving energy instead of expending it. We feel connected to our heart and our truth as we are suspended in effortless union while we stand sovereign in his and her own power.

Preparing for Sacred Union

By awakening the subtle flows within the body, the alchemical transformation and union begins. The combination of breath, movement, and harmonic frequencies tone up the inner energy channels. Connecting our breath with our body is vitally important. Shallow breathing and periods of unconsciously holding our breath scatters mental focus and allows emotional chaos to arise—suppressing emotional release. Shallow breathing is a pattern that reflects unprocessed emotional energy. The sensory experience of breath entering

our body becomes an anchor that drops us out of our mind’s chatter and gets us into the body. Breath, movement and sound open the energy centers so there is more space for spirit to merge with our form. While breathing, moving, and sounding, we have the opportunity to be deeply receptive to our emotions. By using breath, sound and movement we can open and cleanse the energy centers and release emotions that block the potential for full creativity. Movement can be used to open up our vibrational field and release old energies. Movement creates space to allow more breath to come into our body. Movement stimulates sensory experience in the body to feel a connection with the body, more energy flow and a deep sense of bodymind and spirit.

Relationship – The Alchemy of Divine Union Once we have connected with our body, opened up the subtle energy flow and brought the internal energies of the feminine and masculine into equilibrium, we are ready to connect with another. When we are both in our essence, in union with ourselves, we can become conscious of the alchemy of the relationship that is being created between us. Within the sacred relationship, we are two beings enjoined and vibrating in harmony. Breathing in sync, heartbeats in rhythm, we create a third field of energy, the trinity or the child. This is the alchemy called relationship. The sacred relationship is a place where our frequencies merge and all aspects of separation are lost. The thing we have in common is the new relationship that has arisen. So we sit in this unified field together—two empty vessels—and allow the subtle energy flows of this union to surround, engulf, and flow through us. We watch it unfold, its uniqueness the flowering of a subtle alchemy between two people without expectation. When you don’t need the experience to be anything predetermined, you allow the highest force of the universe to flow through. There is no separation, no ego that needs identity—just pure cosmic flow.

This presents a pathway to our connection with the Source ~~~ a vibrational experience that opens the energy field to Divine Love, Divine Light, Divine Oneness and Creation. Reintegrating the Divine Feminine completes the circuit of energy essential for divine union. These energies were needed to access higher dimensional realms.

Our body is the sacred doorway to ecstatic union with the Divine. Through a union based on purpose and intention, aligned in our hearts, we open ourselves to a higher directive. The feminine principle is our connection to embody spirit in form. Once the temple of the body has been fully reclaimed—through self-acceptance, total surrender and full presence—the Divine Union of the feminine and masculine opens a channel for "DIVINE SACRED MARRIAGE

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