What happens after death? a sufi experience of those transitioning…
Death is not an ending,but is a living process and a very profound transformation.
death is a “benign psycho-physical process.” 'You will not know exactly what will follow your own death, but you can know about the process in general.'
As the body is breaking down, the person is experiencing a lot of chaos and confusion with strange sounds and sensations, feeling feverish then cold.
We may experience great water falls, earthquakes, fires, and wind which corresponds to this period of disintegration of the physical back into the elements.
What happens when someone dies?
When someone dies, they may experience floating out of their body and still be aware of what is going on around them. But they may not realise that they have died. Things are similar, but not quite the same as in life.
This is especially the case when there has been a sudden unexpected death.
This is often the 'Ghost' state that 'ghost whisperers' (those who help lost souls) can locate souls that are stuck in the subtle dimensions.
Someone may fail to transition because they are in shock, do not realise they have died; are fearful of what they face; or have to strong attachments/regrets.
After death someone may have experiences similar to ones that people who have had near death experiences report.
we can learn from near death experiences, but that they do not describe the full reality of the death process, both because the person does not complete the process as in death and because what is reported is complicated by personal and cultural influences, rather than being a revelation of Reality, itself.
Ghosts then are simply stuck in the shock of death, or the reluctance to truly transition and leave behind what they know in order to carry on with their journey.
The ghost whisperer
For over twenty years I have found myself to be what I would describe as an energetic gateway to assist those who have physically died helping them to transition on the next part of their journey. Sometimes I can literally feel them passing through to light.
Only last week literally three days prior to the announced death of young shiek my work involved locating him, talking to him and assisting him. It was an intense time as I am a woman, not obviously exoteric Islam and was not known to him, or him to me.
Yet as I say on the Tuesday I knew I had to hold a space for an event he was facing.
I know of other Sufi's and mystics who also find they are pulled to this sort of work.
This is really not something I can talk of much, as people find the whole conversation of death difficult, but also it is not something that I seek to do, it literally happens spontaneously.
What we call ghosts are those who have failed to transition and are stuck in a mind pattern of fear or their own belief there is nothing after death and as such they are in a void or they remain in shock from the physical death.
There are other presences around in the inner worlds, some malevolent, but this article is about the human condition or consequence of death and transitioning.
Often this seems to arise when there is felt unfinished business, or the death was so sudden the person does not altogether realise that they are dead.
Helping someone to accept that it is time to transition can take ashort or longer period of time depending on the one transitioning.
Those who did not have a spiritual foundation or way or life can linger for longer; or indeed those who had a religious life, but perhaps had a social face and hid other activities from their friends and family that their religion would not endorse can have guilt and regrets, and are often fearful to move on.
Often it can be their fear which disables them.
There can even be people ‘stuck’ in dimensions of time for hundreds of years.
The spiritual perspective of death is not fearful...
The spiritual perspective across all ways, is that there is no death, just a continuum, some believe to something greater or some believe others go to a hell zone if the person has not been loving .
Others believe it is a journey and whatever was left un-purified we remain with.
Some mystics and seers are aware of snapshots of what happens after death and there is a consistency of message.
I have had two near death experiences which were highly spiritual moments .
Mystics and Sufi’s focus on the instruction in most sacred scriptures to ‘die whilst alive’ in otherwords kill the ego, righten the life and be love , in surrender to the Divine with every breath.
They know as do all esoteric religions that it is possible to be enlightened here , although God is always a mystery, we can surrender to it now and if we are then there is only the Divine both here and beyond this life.
Most people are not spiritual enough to be enlightened here. If they were truly enlightened they are a beacon, a healing presence for others, because to become enlightened means that there is not just a psychological change that changes place with the death of ego, or a sense of self, there is also a physical change, a superphysics whereby we become more light than matter.
We even now have science in the theory of Biocentrism coming to the same conclusion that non dual ways and mystics have known for thousands of years. i.e that when the material physical body is relinquished and the energetic body carries on as a summation of what we were.
Ghost whisperers somehow know what is about to happen...
From as young as I can remember I used to intuitively know, sometimes days ahead when someone may transition. I become aware of someone (whom I never knew whilst living, and did not necessarily meet) suddenly being around me in their ethereal body . (what is left after we relinquish the body, to whatever degree of awareness or consciousness)
All Sufis know that they are only ever the witness, facilitating, they are not the doers.
The Divine orchestrates all transitionings.
I knew from very young when I felt or saw these "souls " in their ethereal body, they were confused, or worried or frightened to move on. Each had a different story, unfinished business, fear.
Some are still bound to their material life, family, friends and full of an absolute fear of what they were facing without a body.
Sufism, Non duality (which all esoteric practices arive at as Reality), and a powerful esoteric way of meditation and prayer of change, is the way that there is a purification for the person, because energetically I can find them and help to move beyond fear, it works because I am open and in surrender to Grace, I am not the doer, I am simply present, open.
In all connections on transitioning that I have made, they simply just now happen. This is not the mainstream of my work, but throughout my life it has arisen.
There is an inevitability of death , yet those left facing it have rarely prepared, and only some of those "living" contemplate it ,most carrying on as if it would never happen.
Many religions focus on ascension and transcendence of this place as if one is above or below something.
Of course its true one does go beyond the limitations of the ego. But is not it more accurate to say that these are states of real presence? They reflect something of us really being here?
It has been said by many spiritual people that the western dis-ease of seeking material gain is actually a reflection of trying to hide from this fear of death, of being extinguished.
Unless one is on a truly spiritual path we rarely contemplate death whilst alive, yet scriptures from many exoteric religions recommend just this.
'die whilst still alive " Quoran
What this is really saying is righten your life whilst living, letting go of distractions of the material world, power, winning this or that, and instead focus on Truth and the Reality of existence and live the mystery. If we do this we are still present , but become far more a presence of love, opening ourselves to understand the sacred nature of everything.
For those on a serious spiritual path the aim is enlightenment.
If we surrender and are of service to others, rather than serving our ego we receive Grace and live the mystery of existence. This a purifying way of the heart also called heart awakening, and is the way of Sufism and mystical practice across all religions and spiritual ways.
If we live as this we die whilst alive, and become more light than matter whilst alive.
What is more than wonderful is not threatened.
Fear of death is fear of surrender to Infinity.
Learn to surrender, to exist aat Infinity while alive, and fear of death dissolves.
Fear of death is fear of the Un-'Known'
Realise the Eternal Un knowability of the Totality of existence, and fear of death is transcended in the Feeling beyond Wonder.
If happiness or freedom depends on the Answer to the Question , then there can be no happiness or freedom.
The Question cannot be satisfactorily or finally Answered.
For one who abides at Infinity, happy and free. at ease with his or her Ultimate Ignorance, the Question and Answer are equally unnecessary.
What began will come to an end.
What is More than Wonderful Is Not Threatened.
The Process of teh Totality of Existence is Transcendental, Inherently Spiritual , and Eternal.
Only a fraction of teh Whole can pass away in any moment, since only a fraction of the whole appears in any moment.
Therefore, the Heart Itself is always already Full of Love and More than Wonder.
"I' is the body-mind, the fraction of the Whole that is now appearing and will soon disappear.
"I" must be surrendered to the Heart Itself, to the Whole, Which Is Infinity, and Love and More and More than even Wonder "knows".