A call to the end of patriarchal society
It seems the underlying reason for our lack of consciousness at a shared level is the lack of acceptance of the divine feminine .
A necessity in this time, is the understanding and grounding of the Divine feminine AND exploring what we actually mean by this .
All exoteric traditions are full of the feminine principle in the scriptures yet because we are a patriachial society and culture , in spirituality and religion there is not the embracing the feminine demonstrated.
Instead we enact polarisation, fiefdoms, tribalism and this felt separation both socially, culturally, and spirituality is enacted accross many cultures.
Some male leaders deliberately balance the books with female representatives, but this is missing the very point that the imbalance is within us all, whether male or female gender.
The Divine feminine is not a gender issue...
The separation and polarisation is enacted day to day by the duality expressed in everything from right and wrong, light and dark, good and evil, women and men, patriarchal and matriarchal. Because there is polarisation there is imbalance.
The divine feminine has nothing to do with gender, and everything to do about creation, manifestation, and collaberation.
The feminine energy which is compassion, inclusiveness, nurturing is not valued in politics or business as a shared consciousness of one human family and one earth.
In fact one could conclude that the dogma of many religions have enshrouded the feminine principle for centuries, despite it actually being spoken about in all religions the division and separation from the feminine in terms of compassion, non hierachial structures is not evident.
A divine union relationship—is a co-creative partnership of balance of the masculine and feminine. Yet exoteric religion has somewhat denied this, and the world has a varying imbalance towards the feminine across different cultures never mind religion.
The feminine principle is non hierarchal, cooperative, sustaining and nurturing . They are not elements valued in politics or business. We tend to value combat, war, competition, fiefdoms, the masculine achievement in terms of money , power, success.
Because we are polarised forms the feminine principle or divine feminine is more naturally evident in women, their roles as mothers, wives, supporters also bring this energy.
The feminine is rarely honoured in society. But the Feminine perspective would mean a radical shift, that actually feels necessary as it destroys boundaries, the feminine is the creator and is sustaining.
Women seem to intuitively know for instance that spirituality is inclusive of the earth, not separate.
It is this feminine principle which heals, which transforms and which needs recognition now, and much of this starts from within women themselves, who need to honour this hidden aspect of self.
In spirituality the transcendent view which male and female alike participate in can be viewed as masculine in concept because it often can only incorporate the mind and ascension, whereas the inclusion of the feminine principle includes the body and earth. This is how things are created, and made manifest and birthed, this felt to me to be the very aspect that at a societal level we exclude to much.By excluding it we have forgotten feminine principles, and that everything is alive here.
The Dalai Lama is in the UK and was interviewed and quoted as
saying " It would be good if the next Dalai Lama was a women " - he has always been pro women and talks of the need for the feminine principle of compassion.
However he went on to say "mind you if it is a woman she would have to have a really lovely face, otherwise it would not work at all!" There has been shock in the reporting as this feels very sexist, which is something never before seen in him, however when I felt into it i felt that he was reflecting how unless women look a certain way society does not listen. As an aside in the UK which i do not feel is atypical the public complained about female newsreaders that looked to old as an example!
A feminine dimension of the divine is emerging into our collective consciousness, and by aligning ourselves with this wisdom we can help the world move into the next phase of its spiritual evolution. The point is that this world and its resources – human, ecological, and spiritual are being quickly depleted in part by outdated patriarchal values regarding life and our relationship to God.
A patriarchal orientation, which has guided much of our spiritual understanding of the last two thousand years, has revealed the sacred beyond the limitations of worldly life, allowed a detachment from the restrictions of the body, and awoken us to realities far beyond the physical world. But the divine is alive and changing, and longs to reveal itself in new ways. The heavens are no longer the source of our spiritual sustenance. As we look heavenward for answers which are no longer there, we leave the world behind in a fog
of forgetfulness, alienation and spiritual despair.
But the divine is alive and changing, and longs to reveal itself in new ways. The heavens are no longer the source of our spiritual sustenance. As we look heavenward for answers which are no
longer there, we leave the world behind in a fog of forgetfulness, alienation and spiritual despair. By aligning ourselves with divine feminine consciousness we can call God down from the heavens and begin to rectify the split between spirit and matter, light and darkness, and heaven and earth which has characterized our recent age. This is not a return to matriarchal times, but a union of ageless feminine wisdom with the fruits of contemporary masculine consciousness,
a new balance that will birth the next era in spiritual awareness. In this turn of the spiral in our evolution we can awaken within a consciousness of oneness that life has never known. Life itself will become alive in a new way, the heart of the world can begin to open, and undiscovered resources of the planet will begin to reveal themselves.
Practical instructions in how to mend these splits and recognize divine presence within life.
Each one directed me to turn toward the feminine qualities within myself and honour the feminine qualities in the world. For feminine spiritual traditions, they pointed out, and the mystical elements within many spiritual traditions, have always shown us that the created world is sacred, that light is hidden within darkness, and that the way Home is through loving service to the organic oneness of which we are all a part.
For feminine spiritual traditions, they pointed out, and the mystical elements within many spiritual traditions, have always shown us that the created world is sacred, that light is hidden within darkness, and that the way Home is through loving service to the organic oneness of which we are all a part.
Men and women both have a role to play in these times. Feminine wisdom holds many answers, and we have a responsibility to
acknowledge its presence, and allow it to emerge as a force in the world. And women have a particular responsibility in this process. Women’s spiritual consciousness, which holds the secret of how spirit and matter come together to create new life, is needed for the mystical process that is taking place within the whole. In order to serve the needs of this new era, women must really live who they are without hesitation, and leave behind patterns of insecurity, dependency, and fear that have inhibited them from expressing what they know is real. Men can serve by developing their own feminine nature, and also by supporting and protecting women as they accept their responsibilities during these changing times.
How do we uncover and live our feminine wisdom? The first step, many of these mystics agree, is to come down from the mountain, to descend from the transcendent stance that has characterized our spirituality for so long, and really
become part of life. For so long our world’s major religions have directed us to God through turning away from ordinary life on earth. Ascetic practices, which include a suppression or transmutation of instinctual energies such as sexuality and other desires, were emphasised. Spiritual aspirants strove to go beyond attachments and responsibilities in this world to be with a God who exists elsewhere. The shadow side to these approaches, has alienated us from the glory and wonder of life itself.
'Everything you have ever been told about the divine is prejudiced by patriarchal distortions that define the divine almost obsessively in transcendent, not immanent terms (Immanent meaning the indwelling nature of the sacred in everything)
The addiction to transcendence keeps everybody in a coma. This addiction is in fact the ultimate heroin because it keeps you high, self absorbed, and falsely detached.
we need to enter life fully, for this is where our love and attention is needed. When we develop our spiritual consciousness through involvement in life, we nourish life as part of our own process of evolution, and help awaken the world to its divine nature
It seems to me to be this very issue of the denial of the divine feminine that creates the lack of feeling, and the lack of recognition that all is sacred. Because to really see no separation and that all is sacred requires us operating from the feeling dimension of existence.
Even looking at the origins of religion or language, we find In the Greek alphabet, the letter Delta (triangle/triune) was the symbol for cosmic birth.
The triangle can represent: father/mother/child or the Perfect Union of the Two that creates the Third or the
perfect union when two become one. The union of masculine and feminine polarities is fundamental in the quantum physics of creation.
The two polarities, the magnetic (female) and electric, (male) coming together to form a trinity. This geometry occurs when a planet is being born and when the first 2 cells of a human being form in the womb and the creation of Light. We need both the feminine and masculine in equal proportions for creation to occur and to keep all life in balance.
The lack of acknowledgment of the divinity of the feminine has created a state of imbalance that permeates all life even in terms of basic attitudes towards gender. We have forgotten that we are both masculine and feminine.
This week on twitter I saw a tag of "the sensitive man" and many women were really posting digs towards men. And in turn as is so often the way men replied about women's self centredness and
worrying about their nails. Feelings of inequality have set up
boundaries between women and men. These imbalances and difficulties come about as a result of our internal beliefs and conditionings over eons of time.
Our deeper higher self knows a great re-awakening and shift is happening. In order for sacred union to occur— individually and globally—the illusion of separation has to be healed. We must dissolve duality and clear our energy channels of judgments.
These judgments create disconnection from the feminine principles—from the body and emotions. We must reclaim the sacredness and spiritual union and embrace what has always been known to be a alchemical relationship of balance in creation and consciousness energetically within ourselves.
A new awakening is taking place, a resurfacing of ancient truths — an inner
alchemy - a merging of divine feminine and divine masculine that religious dogma has enshrouded for centuries, yet the feminine is inherently in all scriptures, but somehow not transferred into knowledge and action.
The lack of acknowledgment of the divinity of the feminine has created a state of imbalance that permeates all life. Feelings of inequality have set up boundaries between women and men. These imbalances and difficulties come about as a result of our internal beliefs and conditionings over eons of time. Our deeper higher self knows a great re-awakening and shift is happening. In order for sacred union to occur— individually and globally—the illusion of separation has to be healed. We must dissolve duality and clear our energy channels of judgments. These judgments create disconnection from the feminine principles—from the body and emotions.
We must reclaim the sacredness and spiritual union and embrace an alchemical relationship of co-creation.
Reclaiming the Feminine
Receptivity is a key quality of feminine energy. When we think of receptivity, it seems to imply that we are receiving something from outside of us. However, the feminine quality of receptivity is actually about deeply receiving our Self. The Divine Feminine energy is also about inner flow and allowance, trust and intuition. These qualities are feminine in nature. Our physical body is earth and form. The emotional energy current running through the body is water. It is about believing in our inner worth as “BEingness,” and not basing it on the masculine equivalent of “doingness.” It is about balancing stillness and action. It is joining in an authentic way with ourselves and others and becoming whole. And through our wholeness, meet our counterpart that is you fully reflected
as your other. The Divine Feminine energy brings about a new honoring of the female spirit. It is empowerment and reclaiming our divinity as women. It gives back to men a balance. By opening their energy field, men through surrender and embodying the feminine principle of receptivity, begin to honor their feminine aspects more than ever before. Men begin to observe the feminine aspect with greater awareness and appreciation. Regardless of gender, a healing balance of peace, harmony and interconnectedness love for all, never experienced before on the planet, is beginning to occur. When we can deeply receive our self, we experience our own subtle energies flowing through our body. This deep receptive state requires surrender, trust and total self-acceptance. One key thing that makes the dance of union sacred is the love and acceptance of Self. We must have total acceptance of Self in order to surrender deeply and allow full freedom of expression to occur. Through
loving and accepting our Self, we open the door to ecstatic experience of our Self. This means total acceptance of the body, emotions, every aspect of our-self, and beyond that—acceptance of our divinity.
Emotional Body
The emotional body needs to be fully embraced.
The masculine is the mind. The feminine energy brings mastery of our emotions , a willingness to incarnate and surrender bodily—a receptivity that allows us to feel the subtleties of our creative power.
The emotional body, which has been suppressed and belittled, is the very thing we need to bring balance and make compassion real. We as men and women need to regain full connection with the emotional body.
In so doing we experience the ecstatic bliss of sacred union to be fully experienced and expressed through the whole body.
By being so connected with our physical body and the tangible experience of it while simultaneously surrendering to the emotional body, we can allow the fluid energy of our emotions to flow freely through us. Having unconditional acceptance of our emotions, allows emotions to flow into balance in the Higher Heart—where transformation occurs and we access our pure creative potential.