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Ken Wilber,Philosopher, writer, Founder of The Integral Institute, author of A Theory of Everything, Integral Psychology he says 'I am simply offering to you my own considered opinion: Adi Da's teaching is, I believe, unsurpassed by that of any other spiritual Hero, of any period, of any place, of any time, of any persuasion.

Alan Wilson Watts was a British-born American philosopher, writer, and speaker, best known as an interpreter and populariser of Eastern philosophy for a Western audience he said of Adi Da...



Was a powerful and respected Sufi of the Naqshbandi tradition. She said 'I regard Heart-Master Adi Da as one of the greatest teachers in the Western world today.'



A film professional who was a devotee of Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) and had done almost all of the filming at Osho's ashram in India had this to say: "I remember one day someone showed Osho Adi Da's book, The Enlightenment of the Whole Body. Osho examined it and the pictures of Adi Da, and then said, 'If you can be with this man, you are with a true Buddha.'



Psychologist; author, Bridging Heaven and Earth and The Heart of Success says "That God can, among other things, actually incarnate in human form once seemed unbelievable to me. But reading the books of Avatar Adi Da obliterated all doubt about the existence of God right now, here on Earth in human form."



she also says: 'It breaks my heart that there are so many who have not yet found out that Avatar Adi Da Samraj is here. ' Charmian Anderson, Ph.D. is one of the first Doctors of Transpersonal Psychology in the United States.

'The writings of Adi Da Samraj are the most doctrinally thorough, the most philosophically sophisticated, the most culturally challenging, and the most creatively original literature on radical non duality currently available in the English language.' JEFFREY KRIPAL, PH.D



Spiritual Recognition of Adi Da by the Sixteenth Karmapa, Ranchung Rigpa Dorje. Adi Da had a great regard for the Kagyu tradition,especially in relationship to the Spiritual Masters, Marpa and Milarepa. For full detail go to the link

"Avatar" (from Sanskrit "avatara") is a traditional Eastern term for Divine Incarnation. It literally means "One who is descended, or 'crossed down' (from, and as, the Divine)". Avatar Adi Da Samraj is also called the "Avataric Incarnation", or the Divinely Descended Embodiment, of the Divine Person. The reference "Avataric Incarnation" indicates that Avatar Adi Da Samraj fulfils both traditional expectation of the East...

He also fulfilled the traditional expectation of the West — that True Enlightenment or Realisation is an Incarnation, or an utterly human Embodiment of this pure state. He called it Prior Unity, and this is the gift he offers to everyone. The uniqueness is that the way of Adidam is both Transcendental and Spiritual.

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