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Bright Happiness!
Crawl inside this body, find me there where I am most ruined- love me there.
Rune Lanzuli
'Be willing to straighten out your life'
Adi Da Samraj
We have to become human before we can be spiritual. This means we have to be prepared and willing to straighten out our lives. | Many people are full of suffering, this needs to be inspected and healed before we can spiritual. What is it to be truly human? |
One's disposition toward our mother and father which plays out in early life, tends to then be reflected in the response to spiritual life and to our relationships in adult life. | Although most who seriously engage in spiritual processes are adult, if our childhood patterns are not transcended they tend to be carried into the character and relationships, and also into our relationship to the spiritual process. |
The male influence or father force is the controlling force. Spiritually it is associated with Divine Consciousness. | The mother force is concerned with the spiritualisation process. |
Some had stronger parenting than others. If we were lucky we felt nurtured by our mother,and drawn out by the father into creative participation in life, rather than feeling aggressively challenged by the father. | The mother force is nurturing,supportive, and it connects you to everything,makes you feel loved,and evokes a loving radiant response in you. |
The father is a different force however, quite the opposite of the mother. Father force means challenging. | If we do not feel nurtured by our mother we inevitably feel challenged in life,we may attract unloving relationships,or have addictions. Or become highly controlled and distrustful. The mother is primary. The person feels confronted when challenged by the father force, or challenged by others. They easily feel overwhelmed. |
This can lead to a tendency of depression, repressed anger, or this feeling of being overwhelmed by others or events. | If we were well sustained we cope with the challenge of life, of the father force. In other words we are not overly sensitive to the father force or to criticism from others. Whether male or female we are sustained by the female force and challenged by the male force. |
If sustenance was lacking you tend to feel disconnected to that which sustains. This can feel like a lack of connection to God, but also difficulty with relationships. Often the person become depolarised, in other words assuming sometimes the opposite sex role. | If this was the case you can become overwhelmed by the challenge of life, and become self protective, controlling,and/or an anxious personality. |
We need the father force also. If we did not have fathering we often have difficulty relating to the world, manifesting. Father force is money as an energy. | Spiritually the father-force makes the demand, evoking the capability to overcome obstacles in life, to deal with what arises within enabling us to move to new areas of experience and growth. |
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